
9 of the most dangerous infectious diseases

There are no good diseases, but there are diseases that are worse than other diseases, especially deadly infectious diseases that represent the greatest fear of humanity and have caused the killing of millions of lives in the most painful ways within a few days, and modern science is still trying to find a cure for some of these deadly infectious diseases that have challenged scientific development even Now, in this article, you will learn about the 9 most dangerous and deadly infectious diseases .

While it is an environmental imperative for infectious pathogens to evolve to spread more efficiently, there is no clear reason for some of these deaths and host extermination (the organism), and you might think that it is in the interest of the infectious agent to keep its host alive for as long as possible. It is possible to spread to as many people as possible, but the following diseases cause death within a few days so take care of your health .


fatal infectious diseases


Most people consider influenza to be an unpleasant disease. Influenza was responsible for one of the most devastating pandemics of all time, the Spanish Flu (1918-19) that killed up to 100 million people. A particular type of influenza strain (H1N1) was unusual. Most deaths are among the young and the healthiest, and the flu appears to have actually turned a healthy body’s immune system on itself creating what’s called a cytokine storm or cytokine syndrome that attacked the lungs.

The last flu that made the headlines was swine flu, a new type of H1N1 strain. The deaths have already occurred and it appears to be particularly harmful, but nothing compared to the scale of the Spanish flu. Perhaps the biggest fear of the flu is its ability to mutate and mutate to form new strains.

The most important of these concerns is that a severe strain will combine with a highly transmissible strain, and this can happen even across species as is the case with H5N1 bird flu, and at the moment bird flu cannot pass from one person to another, but just a small genetic event can open The road to a major epidemic.

8- AIDS:

fatal infectious diseases

AIDS is a deadly infectious disease where HIV infection or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome works by destroying the body’s defenses virtually for any number of diseases and other infections, and there is still no cure or vaccine, and until recently there was no effective treatment, and he died even Now more than 30 million people are affected by AIDS, with nearly 40 million people infected.

HIV increases the chances of catching infections such as tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, and hepatitis, and also raises the possibility of developing several forms of cancer, and new antiviral drug treatments have greatly increased life expectancy for people living with HIV and with However, the ever-changing nature of HIV makes it difficult to combat it.

And not only does the virus itself get into the DNA of your body’s cells, becoming part of your genetic template, but it evolves so rapidly inside the body that you can make a chain of evolution from virus samples taken in different parts of the body.

7- Tuberculosis:

fatal infectious diseases

Tuberculosis is highly contagious and spreads easily through airborne droplets for example sneezing, and in fact, about a third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis, thank God it is in a latent form and it is possible that infected people can not be aware, and only 1 in 10 cases progresses to An active disease that has a mortality rate of up to 50% if left untreated, tuberculosis kills about 1.5 million people worldwide each year, second only to malaria.

The disease primarily affects the lungs but can affect any part of the body including the testicles. The most common initial symptom is coughing up blood, followed by rapid weight loss. As the disease progresses, large areas of the lungs are necroticed and turned into a cheese-like substance. Extreme infection can lead to erosion in the pulmonary artery of the lung, which leads to the patient’s drowning in his blood.

Tuberculosis that infects the rest of the body (extrapulmonary tuberculosis) occurs in about 20% of cases, and it can affect the nervous system, urogenital system, and bones, as can be seen in the picture above where it affects the spine and compresses itself, and in some cases it can invade Tuberculosis is multi-organ (Miliary TB) affecting the liver, spleen, brain as well as the lungs and this is a particularly dangerous condition, as most tissue damage in tuberculosis is caused by the body’s own immune system bombarding the affected area with a range of chemicals, so our list of diseases is not without Infectious disease of tuberculosis.

6- Anthrax

fatal infectious diseases

Anthrax is a bacterial infection in most of its forms that is fatal. There are three ways a person can be infected and this is very important for how the disease progresses. The most deadly way is by inhalation. If the disease is not treated, it is already fatal. With immediate antibiotic treatment it is still About half of those infected survive, and anthrax can be ingested through infected meat.

The initial symptoms of this form include vomiting blood and severe diarrhea, and the results are slightly better if immediate treatment is done with a mortality rate of up to (25-60%), and bacteria can also spread through the cracked skin, and this causes severe ulcers and may lead to inflammation in the whole extremities. However, death is rare as the pathogen cannot penetrate the skin.

The active agent of anthrax is called a lethal toxin although it is not actually fatal until it combines with the ascitic agent and the protective antigen, and the combination together causes extensive tissue destruction and hemorrhagic hemorrhage with dark, non-coagulated blood from the bodily openings, and death occurs within a few days to two weeks.

Because anthrax is such a deadly contagious disease, an island in Scotland was uninhabitable for 50 years after the British government’s experiments on anthrax, and it had to be cleared before anyone could return to it. It is very difficult to eradicate anthrax spores through cremation;

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